Salonta, the Great Bustard sanctuary in Romania, hosted an ornithology conference on the conservation of endangered species

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16 March 2020

The collaboration between conservation specialists and local communities is vital for the success of endangered species conservation.

Salonta, the Great Bustard sanctuary in Romania, hosted an ornithology conference on the conservation of endangered species

Over 40 specialists and bird aficionados from Romania and from abroad came to Salonta to partake in a scientific meeting on monitoring programs of some bird species that are threatened with extinction. The event took place between 29 February and 1 March.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank the Salonta City Hall for the warm welcome and for receiving us in their lovely building.

And since the event was attended by both conservation specialists and young people at the beginning of their career, we asked them to share their impressions:

Cocori la Salonta
Cranes in Salonta. Photo: Bogdan Ciortan
  • "When we have to go to a conference, all ornithologists, myself included, we begin to come up with some plans about what it should be like: interesting presentations, conversations and exchange of ideas with colleagues that we already know or not, and of course (although not many want to admit it, but it certainly is a main component of such a meeting), the field trip. Frankly speaking, all our expectations were fulfilled:  the logistics put in place by our colleagues from Milvus Group, with the support of  Salonta City Hall were excellent, the presentations of the results made by our colleagues were interesting and the next day field trip was entirely successful, despite the gloomy weather (bustards, barn owl, falcons, hen harriers, cranes to name only a few examples as to underline the above stated). To sum up, I would repeat this experience anytime!" 
  • Cristi Domșa, Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR)


  • "I decided to come to this meeting out of curiosity - I wanted to see the projects that have been carried out or will be implemented and, generally, what’s actually happening in monitoring projects. It was an interesting experience, I found out new things and I saw the work that the organizers and volunteers do, but also the passion that they have for what they do. As a student in Biology, I was very pleased to watch the presentations and glad to see how dedicated are all those people involved in conservation projects.
  • Ioana-Alexandra Florea, student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași
Iesire pe teren la Salonta
Field trip in Salonta. Photo: Cristi Domșa


  • "Although I come from an area that is oriented more towards fundamental and not applied research, the lectures were very captivating, and with a content that held my attention. It may only be a subjective perspective, but combining the meeting with a field trip, as I was able to see the bustards, was the strong point of the event. I believe that for every naturalist, nature lover or ornithologist, whether amateur or professional, the bustards are a symbol. Congratulations on the organization of this event and congratulations on your activities for giving the Metropolitan a chance (another popular and almost forgotten name of the Great Bustard, which reflects the imposing image of this bird that used to wander almost all across the country)." 
  • Liviu Pripon, PhD Student at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Text and photos: Milvus Group

The presentations of the specialists are available below (in English and Romanian).

Session I

Emil Todorov - National report on current status and activities on the Red-breasted Goose in Romania

Nagy Attila - Aspecte de monitorizare și conservare în cazul populației de dropii de la Salonta-Mezőgyán

Sebastian Bugariu - Monitorizare și acțiuni de conservare pentru speciile de pelicani în România

Szilárd Daróczi et al - Conservarea dumbrăvencei în Câmpia de Vest

Session II

Attila Marton - Sinteza rezultatelor din 2019 ale taberei de inelare de pe Grindul Chituc

Cristian Domșa - Ornitodata – baza de date a SOR, unealtă pentru colectarea datelor în viitorul proiect național

Cristian Domșa - Schemele coordonate de Societatea Ornitologică Română în cadrul contractului Servicii consultanță monitorizarea speciilor de păsări cf. Art 12 din Directiva Păsări

Emanuel Ștefan Baltag et al - Stațiunea Biologică Marină Prof. Dr. Ioan Borcea, Agigea - o nouă stație de inelare a păsărilor în România rezultatele anului 2019

István Kovács - De ce este important să realizăm liste complete de specii

István Kovács - OpenBirdMaps – ce s-a întâmplat în 2019 și perspective în 2020

István Kovács - Schemele coordonate de Asociația Grupul Milvus în cadrul contractului Servicii consultanță monitorizarea speciilor de păsări cf. Art 12 din Directiva Păsări

Jan van Diermen - Prey-choice plasticity in the Lesser Spotted Eagle

Szilárd Daróczi - Optimizarea și eficientizarea colectării datelor de teren

Zoltán Benkő - Păsările comune într-o lume în schimbare - efectele intensificării practicilor agricole asupra comunităților de păsări comune

Zoltán Benkő, Judit Veres-Szászka, Cristian Domșa - Rezultatele programului Monitorizarea Păsărilor Comune 2006 - 2019