The rehabilitation of the reed lake, a swamp that had become eutrophicated in the Culișer meadow, located in Salonta, Bihor county, has been carried out in the past 3 years within our project based on cross-border public-private partnership.
The Great Bustard: From a Symbol to a Local Brand
7 August 2021
29 young graduate students joined our cause and created various artworks inspired by the Great Bustard.
29 young graduate students from Partium Christian University of Oradea, specialised in Visual Communication, under the mentorship of Dr Balázs Zoltán, joined our cause - to protect the bustards of Salonta - by creating various artworks inspired by the Great Bustard.
The works were showcased at Zilahy Lajos House of Culture, Salonta, and the exhibition was hosted by the City Hall of Salonta.
Opening photo gallery 10 May 2021 | Salonta
The young artists used different forms to express their creativity - from a handmade Great Bustard toy to a book cover, playing cards, games, illustrations, animated videos, and a musical composition. They also explored ideas that could be used for commercial purposes by local entrepreneurs with the Great Bustard as a product symbol: brand for local beverages (craft beer, wine), souvenirs and gifts (keyholders, badges, cups, tote bags etc.).
And here are their artworks:
► Ilustrations:
- Akkaba Ali: Bookcover
- Barabás Borbála: I know a spectacular bird…
- Szentpéteri Zsolt: Great Bustard Benchmark
► Brand:
- Debreczeni Botond: Great Bustard Reserve
- Molnár Ilona: Local craft beer
- Pusok Marko: Otis tarda wine
- Szabó Fruzsina: Bustard Coffee
► Games:
- Bittenbinder Éva: Get Ready, Get Set, Go, Bustard!
- Czirják Adorján: Great Bustard Memory Game
- Gombos Bianka: Clever Bustard Association Game
- Kelemen Árpád: Great Bustard French playing cards
► Gifts and souvenirs:
- Bartók Boglárka: Handmade Fabric Great Bustard Toy
- Nagy Arnold: Key holder
► Animated videos:
- Román Imola & Román Sára: Great Bustards on the Ground
Sándor Lóránd Szőcs: #savethebustards
- Zatykó István Dávid: The Voice of the Great Bustard
- Bende Andrea: Geometric Bustard
A warm thank you to:
► the Faculty of Arts within Partium Christian University for their support;
► Dr Balázs Zoltán for teaching his students the importance of being involved in their community;
► the students: Akkaba Ali, Barabás Borbála, Bartók Boglárka, Bittenbinder Éva, Czirják Adorján, Debreczeni Botond, Gombos Bianka, Kelemen Árpád, Molnár Ilona, Nagy Arnold, Pusok Marko, Rémán Szilamér, Román Imola, Román Sára, Szabó Fruzsina, Szentpéteri Zsolt, Zatykó István Dávid, Bende Andrea Antónia, Gagyi Judit Eszter, Lőrinczi Inez, Pop Márk-Fábio, Szőcs Sándor Lóránd, Verestóy Csilla, Pál András, Szopos Zoltán, Antal Zsuzsanna, Jakab Laura, Ballabás Lilla, Márk Torkos for dedicating their time, energy and creativity.
- Text and photos: Laura Turdean (Milvus Group) / The Nature Corner
- Illustration: Román Imola & Román Sára